Today is World Honey Bee Day. We often take nature for granted, the food we eat, the flowers we enjoy and honey we drink in our tea! Today is the perfect opportunity to pay our respects to the Honey Bee, learn more about these incredible fuzz balls and celebrate the crucial role they play in our lives.



Together, Beevive and Tommy and Lottie want to share some of the information learnt so far on their bee journey to raise awareness, as well as learning about the different steps that we can take in order to protect this vital species – whose numbers are dramatically declining.

World Honey Bee Day, formerly known as Honey Bee Awareness Day was organised by a group of beekeepers in the USA as an official day to celebrate honey bees. The organizers of the event, on the concept of the World Honey Bee Day, have said:

Bring together beekeepers, bee associations, as well as other interested groups to connect with the communities to advance beekeeping. By working together and harnessing the efforts that so many already accomplish, and [by] using a united effort one day a year, the rewards and message is magnified many times over. We encourage bee associations, individuals, and other groups to get involved.

The fact is bees are disappearing worldwide. Almost 90% of wild plants and 75% of global crops rely on animal pollination – bees are thought to be the most efficient pollinators, as they rely on nectar and pollen to feed their young. Since the 1930’s, we have lost a devastating 97% of our wildflower meadows across the UK and one of the most critical habitats for bees are wildflower meadows.

Honey bees depend on the nectar of different plants in order to survive. We also need to recognise that we depend on honey bees for our own survival. After all, if they did not pollinate, a lot of the nutritious crops that we need to survive would not reproduce.

Other threats are intensive farming and the use of toxic pesticides, sprayed on plants to deter critters but is fatal to our bees and can wipe out entire colonies. As a rule of thumb the foraging area around a beehive extends for two miles and sometimes a honey bee is too tired or exhausted to return back home.

Beevive - bee revival kit

Beevive – gold keyring survival kit


This is why Faye came up with the idea of Beevive – a bee revival keyring readily accessible for the next time you meet a bee in need. The bee revival keyring provides an essential solution for a tired bee to help it continue its mission pollinating planet Earth. It is also totally plastic free.

We are helping bees with our save the bees collection alongside Abigails Flower Truck who grows her own sustainable bee friendly flowers in her flower patch in Hertfordshire. Together with our wonderful charity partner the Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust we aim to help protect bees and their natural habitat, today and for future generations.  For every product in the bee collection sold £1 is paid to Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust a registered charity no. 239863.

save the bees collection

save the bees collection
tommy & lottie and Abigails Flower Truck bee bundle


We recommend that you take the time to learn more about the honey bee on this day and how we can all do our bit in order to provide them with a supportive environment. When we plant orchards, wildflowers and other types of flowering plants, we are supporting the most important pollinators, bees!

We would love you to share the bee love with your friends and family to help spread the word, not just today but everyday!

Happy world bee day, honeys! #savethebees

World Honey Bee Day – Beevive + tommy & lottie


tommy and lottie logo on woodland print

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